
Holistic, adaptive, outdoor learning experiences cultivate your child’s confidence, skills, and connection to self, others, and nature.

We offer weekly homeschool enrichment, nature exploration groups, interest-centered workshops and clubs, and monthly social gatherings in and around Waynesboro, Virginia. Click here to learn more about our programs.

Our rhythm is purposefully supportive, predictable, and low-stress, balancing structure and choice. Our programming supports students in ways that nourish their unique abilities and interests, encourage their natural playfulness and curiosity, and weave healthy peer relationships. Inclusion is important to us. We welcome learners with diverse abilities and support needs.*


Nourished Oaks began with a heart to provide group learning opportunities for children with a wide range of backgrounds, skills, and needs. We believe that all children, regardless of their abilities, deserve a sense of belonging. A place where they can simply be themselves. We also believe all children have much to gain from building friendships and working in community with peers who think, play, communicate, and/or move differently.


Discovery is at the heart of all the sciences. Nature study and art lead children to discover the wonders of their world, while learning in community and engaging challenges lead children to discover more of themselves, their potential, and their role in the world.


Nature immersion lowers stress, cultivates happiness, enhances focus, provides a range of sensory stimulation and challenges, and opens doors to growth. Good relationships are a huge piece of a happy, fulfilling life. Together, those elements promote lives that flourish.

Learn more about our programs

Click here to register now

Reach out anytime at nourishedoaks@gmail.com to discuss programming, volunteering, support needs, etc.